What do our customers think of SolarMente?

¿Qué opinan nuestros clientes de SolarMente?

At SolarMente we work every day so that every family can consume their own sustainable energy produced on their roof.

This is our way of fighting the biggest challenge we have ever faced: climate change.

The more households have access to solar energy, the less dependent we will be on fossil fuels.

In addition, our entire customer community is already protected against unforeseen electricity hikes and continues to save every month.

Come and meet them!

[SolarMente reviews] 5 customers share their experience with you

Alex installs 12 solar panels on his home

Alex was interested in self-consumption a couple of years ago and was delaying his decision because of the costs of the photovoltaic installation in previous periods.

Not knowing the requirements to be met was another barrier he encountered along the way, but he confirms that SolarMente solved it quickly and efficiently thanks to the sales and engineering team. A simple process.

What were the problems Alex wanted to solve?

He mainly wanted to reduce the cost of electricity bills and the consumption of fossil fuels. He also wanted to do his bit for the world by reducing environmental pollution.

The biggest advantage is reflected in the electricity bill,” Alex tells us from his home in Catalonia. He has 12 solar panels installed.

And how did he come to us?

Alex tells us:

“I met them on the internet and I liked the way they treated me and their professionalism. It took about a month or a month and a half between the first contact and having the installation up and running. The installers fitted everything in 3 days”, he adds.

José Ángel: 10 solar panels

He has been interested in installing panels for a year and what delayed his decision was the economic aspect of photovoltaic self-consumption, i.e. the initial investment.

The drawbacks that José Ángel wanted to solve were also related to electricity consumption and the electricity bill. At the same time, he wanted a solution that was environmentally friendly.

“I got to know them through a friend, they helped me a lot and supported me in the idea I had. Everything has turned out well. I have been saving from day one and it has given me independence from the big electricity companies”, explains José Ángel.

José Ángel adds:

“Between the first contact and having the installation up and running it took about a month, a month and a half, and the installation was done in 2 days”.

Carlos: 8 solar panels

He had wanted to opt for self-consumption for 4 months, but the costs delayed his decision.

He was interested in controlling his electricity consumption, which previously came only from polluting conventional sources.

“I found out about SolarMente through a friend and within a month, a month and a half I had the installation up and running. The installers set everything up in 2 days”, Carlos tells us.

Francisco: 10 solar panels

Franciso was clear about his commitment to self-consumption, but he didn’t want to proceed in a hurry. He needed to be well informed and sure.

According to him, SolarMente has solved this barrier that was holding him back in his decision very well.

His main goal was to lower his electricity bill and to be able to use electricity with more peace of mind.

From the moment I contacted them, in about a month and a half, they had the installation up and running,” Francisco says.

Laura: 8 solar panels

Laura is a clear example of customers who thought it was a complicated and much more expensive process.

She tells us that SolarMente has helped her with the whole procedure from the beginning, step by step and explaining everything clearly.

Her main interest was to become independent of payments to conventional electricity companies, while having renewable energy in her home.

“A friend of mine who had already installed panels and was happy told me about SolarMente. The installation was ready in 1 day”, she says, happy with her new photovoltaic system.

Do you want to see the full testimonials? Here is the video.

You also have the option to take a look at two interviews we have conducted with our clients:

Switch to self-consumption in an easy and efficient way with SolarMente

We have already installed PV systems in hundreds of homes and every project is a step forward in our goal.

All of them would recommend us and expand their installation with us. In fact, they have defined SolarMente as follows:

  • Personalised advice,
  • Sustainability,
  • Effectiveness,
  • Efficiency,
  • and Speed.

Our difference is clear:

Make this process as simple, optimised and customised as possible. We remove all the barriers that prevent you from being even more sustainable.

If you also want to opt for solar energy and reduce your electricity bill, try our self-consumption calculator.

Our team will make a customised study of your roof and show you how much money you can save each month in order to gain peace of mind and take advantage of all the benefits of solar energy.

We look forward to seeing you inside!

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Personalizamos tu plan
para que se adapte 100% a ti
Maximiza la vida útil de
tus paneles solares