6 myths of solar energy: we debunk false beliefs

6 mitos de la energía solar: derribamos falsas creencias
We are still a bit sceptical about solar energy, so why do we still see self-consumption as something so complicated and far in the future?We know that there are many myths surrounding this renewable and clean source that hinder the adoption of self-consumption in the country.

And what we are not yet aware of is that photovoltaic production through solar panels installed in our homes is more economical and sustainable than the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Nowadays, there are many advantages offered by renewable energies for electricity generation.

We know firsthand that the information available is abundant and you do not know how to differentiate what is true and what is not.

For this reason, in this article we want to debunk certain myths about photovoltaic solar energy.

6 solar energy myths that we are going to debunk at the drop of a hat

So, without further ado, let’s go on to debunk the myths that have been established with regard to solar energy.

1. Solar panels are only installed on roofs.

We may be talking about the most widespread myth today. We only think of installing solar panels on our roofs, but haven’t you noticed that they are found in most public areas?Stop and think for a minute.

Well, have you got it? Let’s see if you got it right.

Solar panels have multiple applications. They are installed for street lighting, for irrigation and even for use on boats and caravans on your travels.

They are not limited to roofs, but sunlight can be harnessed in a variety of ways – even for the textile industry!

2. The cost of the installations does not outweigh the savings that can be achieved.

Another of the great myths of solar energy is the cost. It is true that a decade ago the investment was high, but more and more competitors are coming on board and prices are coming down.
Nowadays, the prices of photovoltaic installations have come down a lot and this means that the return on investment is becoming shorter and shorter.In addition, there are subsidies available from the municipalities where you live with significant bonuses that will allow you to amortise the investment in an even shorter period of time. Take advantage of this!

Imagine saving at least 40-50% on your electricity bill. An aspect to consider taking into account how electricity prices are skyrocketing day after day without being able to do anything about it.

3. Solar panels generate pollution

Do solar panels pollute? Come on, let’s debunk yet another myth.Solar panels emit a very small percentage of greenhouse gases, which is not significant. In fact, they can reduce more than one tonne of CO2 per household per year.

Moreover, recycling solar panels is possible. In fact, they can be almost entirely recycled (85-90%), as they are mainly made of glass and aluminium.

With the arrival of Royal Decree 110/2015 in February 2015 in Spain, the recycling of photovoltaic materials became mandatory by law. And this is the good part: as is the case at European level, it is the responsibility of manufacturers and importers of photovoltaic modules to collect and process the materials properly at the end of their operational period.

4. Taxes and fees for installing panels are high.

Another of the main obstacles holding back the development of solar energy in Spain was restrictive regulations.The good news is that the so-called sun tax was eliminated in 2018, where an amount was paid for the energy produced for own consumption.

Currently, municipalities and autonomous communities are increasing subsidies and tax deductions for this type of solar installations.

At a national level, we can take advantage of the subsidies for self-consumption from the Next Generation Funds.

Solar energy is the future of Spain. The country enjoys many hours of sunshine a year, which guarantees the electricity supply in homes like yours. Go ahead and make the most of it!

However, you can always purchase our solar subscription model, where you won’t have to worry about the initial investment and you will pay a small fee without any maintenance on your part. Any incident that occurs? We will take care of everything.

This is just a brief summary, but here we will tell you more about the advantages of opting for our subscription model.

5. Only works under certain weather conditions

Mmm, wrong!We could talk about another of the most common myths surrounding solar energy.

There is a perception that it is a weather-dependent source. If it’s too hot, that’s it. We’ll have solar power for a while.

But, we have to tell you that this is not true because more energy is not produced depending on the high temperatures but on the hours of sunshine received per year.

So, aresolar panels also profitablein winter? Of course they are. And also on cloudy days.

We have to get it out of our heads that high temperatures are good for the photovoltaic system. On the contrary, they reduce their efficiency the warmer it gets, since the ideal temperature to maximise their performance is around 25°C.

Germany, a country that is not particularly known for its excessive sunlight, is a world leader in solar home energy. If they can really make the most of solar panels there, how can we not in Spain, where we have over 2,500 hours of sunshine a year?

6. Low technological maturity

Solar panel costs have fallen by 80% since 2010 and have now stabilised. The timing couldn’t be more perfect!The economics show that the advent of solar is inevitable and the economic recovery will be greater now than in the future.

A solar panel installation on your home allows you to save from day one on your electricity bill. As households adopt clean, renewable energy sources, they are moving away from the monopolies of the large electricity companies and are dedicated to the production of their own energy that can be shared in the future among the neighbourhood thanks to the blockchain used in solar energy.

It is true that solar batteries are still expensive, but you will no longer be dependent on your electricity company for the rest of your life. So weigh up the options available to you to make the right decision for you.

So the sooner you go solar, the sooner you will start enjoying the benefits.

To sum up

At SolarMente we want to generate a positive transformation in Spanish households. For that, we accompany you on the path to contribute to sustainable development, saving more and polluting less.You can use our calculator for self-consumption and see how much you would save with your custom-made solar panels kit. We take care of the rest.

We want you to reap all the benefits of solar energy: today, tomorrow and in the future.

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