Solar panels with or without batteries?

¿Placas solares con o sin baterías?

Whether you are going to install solar panels on your home or you already have a photovoltaic system, the following question is likely to arise:

Should you install solar panels with or without batteries? When is it advisable to opt for solar accumulators?

Because it is not always advisable to install them.

In this article we will tell you when it is better to install solar batteries, what their advantages and limitations are.

Do I need a battery for my solar panels?

Let’s see in which situations installing solar batteries is beneficial:

You want to reduce energy independence from the traditional grid.

In remote and isolated geographical areas, where the conventional electricity grid hardly reaches, acquiring a solar battery is practically essential. You store the light generated by the modules and use it for later.

However, even if you have easy access to electricity, you may prefer to store your own clean energy and be more energy independent.

In this sense, you can reduce your electricity costs by up to 90%, as well as reduce the consumption of dirty energy generated by fossil fuels.

Another interesting option for the use of batteries is if you are going to make greater use of them during the hours when there is no sun and, therefore, the savings can be significant.

On the other hand, the legislative change that took place after the repeal of the sun tax brought with it subsidies and grants for solar panels.

But they were not limited to the installation of modules, but batteries also have the option to qualify for these bonuses.

And this is good news because it allows you to shorten the term of the investment made.

You suffer from frequent power cuts

If you normally find yourself in the following cases:

  • The electricity grid is not very reliable

  • You suffer frequent power cuts due to natural catastrophes.

In these cases, batteries work as a backup for you.

Because once installed, the inverter will rely on the battery and not the grid to power your home.

In the event of frequent power outages, it is a recommended solution in order to have electricity in the home.

In the same way, it would also be an important solution for businesses and public establishments such as hospitals that need power throughout the day. There would be no problem to power electronic devices.

You have an unfavourable surplus compensation policy.

Opting for batteries can also mean significant savings on electricity bills.

Because if you don’t have batteries, it is true that you have the option of taking advantage of the surplus compensation.

However, the price for transferring this surplus energy to the electricity grid is not significant.

Currently, it is around €0.10/kWh, but be careful, because it is not the same in all companies; each one establishes a specific amount.

To check this, you can go to Red Eléctrica de España and see the daily variation in energy sale prices.

You will be able to see that the compensation price is lower than the purchase price and, therefore, the remuneration is not much to shoot for. If you have a sufficient budget, accumulating this energy for use during off-peak hours pays off. And even more so if you live in a geographical area with high solar irradiation.

Your electricity company has different rates during the day

The price of electricity in Spain varies according to the established tariff.

And being on the free market is not the same as being on the regulated market.

We explain.

The free market operates with fixed prices set by the electricity companies, but the regulated market varies depending on the time of day.

And, normally, the price of electricity is more expensive in the hours close to night time. When you come home from work and take advantage of the time to cook, watch TV, use other electrical appliances, for example.

What is the problem?

During the night hours there is no sun and the solar panels cannot be used to produce electricity, but what you can do is to accumulate the energy so that you do not have to use the conventional grid.

In this way, you avoid paying for electricity during the most expensive hours and the savings increase. This will allow you to make use of the accumulated energy at any time when there is no sun.

You will see significant savings, especially if you have air conditioning, electric heating or need to charge your electric car.

Although the price of batteries is still high, they have fallen by almost $100 per kWh, a drop of 33% for the first time in two years.

What’s more, the price of lithium batteries over the past few years has dropped 89% according to a report by BloombergNEF (BNEF).

What are the advantages of buying solar panels with batteries?

Here are the advantages of using solar panels with batteries in your home:

  • Store the surplus generated. You can accumulate your energy and reduce electricity costs by up to 90% for use when the sun is not available.

  • Dependence on the electricity grid is reduced. You will not have to go to the traditional grid to consume electricity in the hours when there is no sun, because the accumulated surplus will allow you to use it during those hours or on days when there is not much sun.

  • Reduce your carbon footprint. The implementation of solar energy reduces the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation, thus protecting the environment.

  • Providing electricity in case of emergencies. Natural disasters can cause prolonged power outages and deprive power for hours at a time. Solar panels with batteries, on the other hand, allow you to supply your home with the energy it needs during this period.

  • It increases the value of your home. Installing solar panels with batteries will increase the value of the property. In fact, some buyers already value this factor for their purchase.

Disadvantages of using solar accumulators

Like any element on the market, accumulators have their disadvantages. Here are some of them:

  • Price of batteries. It is true that they have fallen considerably, but they are still a high-cost component. It is therefore important to carry out a prior study of the roof, assess the energy needs and check whether it is a profitable investment.

  • They require periodic maintenance for their correct operation and to extend their useful life.

  • Limited capacity. It may not be sufficient for homes with a high energy demand, and larger systems are more expensive and not viable for everyone.

Can solar panels be used without batteries?

Of course they can. In fact, most residential PV systems in Spain operate without battery storage.

As we have seen, this is not always the right option for every home.

Location and climate are factors that affect performance and, in certain locations, the result is limited. This can result in the energy needs of a household not being met.

Therefore, high solar radiation is a prerequisite if the investment is to be profitable.

In any case, the purchase of solar batteries brings with it great benefits.

You gain greater energy independence, you do not use electricity generated from fossil fuels and you save more than if you fed the surplus into the grid.

Solar panels with or without battery, which is the best option?

Throughout the article we have seen in which situations it is interesting to install solar panels with batteries and analysed the pros and cons.

Where is the key?

In being clear about the use you are going to give to your photovoltaic installation and your energy needs, the type of house and other factors that influence the performance of the system.

And for this it is important to choose what best suits you, whether solar panels with or without batteries, and enjoy the benefits of solar energy.

You have two options to choose from:

  • Rent the solar panels through our solar subscription model: you pay a reduced monthly fee and forget about maintenance.

  • Buy the photovoltaic installation: in this case, you have the option of paying in cash or financing, and you will be the owner from the first minute.

You decide which way you want to go.

See you inside!

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