How is SolarMente different from other solar companies?

¿En qué se diferencia SolarMente del resto de empresas de energía solar?

When it comes to installing solar panels on a home, it is important to know the people who will be in charge of the process.

And I’m sure you’ve often wondered how to choose the right solar company. That’s right, the one you trust as if you were going to the shop of a lifetime.

Well, our team wants to bring solar energy to everyone, but that’s not all. We care about improving the technology of our processes to optimise savings and give control of energy back to the homeowner.

Democratising energy is our ultimate goal, merging producer and consumer into one.

And this is just a small step forward.

In this article, we tell you how we differentiate ourselves from the rest of the companies in the sector. After that? It’s up to you.

The solar experience in Spain

When Wouter and Victor, founders of SolarMente, arrived in Spain, they were surprised at how few solar installations are present in Spanish homes.

Considering that this country has a huge potential with an average of 2,500 hours of sunshine per year (on average 8.2 hours per day) and one of the highest electricity bills in Europe.

Here you can compare electricity prices between the different countries of the European Union.

Therefore, in Spain, there is a unique opportunity to build a new society that does not depend on the ups and downs of the electricity market, producing energy from an indigenous and renewable source such as solar energy and banishing the use of fossil fuels.

As our co-founders talked to users, they discovered that the solar experience in Spain is very slow and complex for customers.

With an average of 4 to 6 months of paperwork, about 30 interactions (emails, calls, messages) between prospective users and the companies offering the service.

This tedious process generates a lack of confidence among homeowners who, after the lost time and unresolved doubts, end up discarding solar energy for their homes.

We are your solar ally in the energy transition

At SolarMente, we want a clean energy world and we believe that every individual is central to the energy transition. Therefore, our job is to simplify and monetise solar energy to reach many more people.

We take care of the whole process so that you have a complete experience. This includes:

  • Engineering,

  • installation,

  • customer support,

  • financing,

  • formalities,

  • and 24/7 monitoring.

Each of our customers will reduce their carbon footprint and, at the same time, save more over the next decade.

Today, going solar is the best step towards sustainability.

What does the future of solar energy look like?

New technologies continue to evolve and renewable energies continue to advance and will provide the benefits needed for all homeowners to have the ability to consume 100% green energy.

By installing energy systems compatible with batteries and electric car chargers in the future, we will enable you to integrate it all together with technology to optimise your savings.

This way, as electric vehicles become more widespread, you will be able to charge them at home, replacing traditional oil companies.

Our goal at SolarMente

We want to create a decentralised application that allows energy trading in a P2P way (between users with photovoltaic installations). Specifically, the excess created by the gap between the energy generated by your solar modules and the energy you consume at home.

To be more specific, we seek to revolutionise the energy market in which participants can buy and sell energy from each other securely and automatically through smart contracts. This means that the blockchain has also come to solar energy.

This initiative does not restrict energy trading between solar system owners (prosumers) and also makes it possible to sell to neighbours who do not have an installation. In this way, they can benefit from cheaper and cleaner electricity.

Thanks to this disruptive and innovative idea, we have recently won the 1st Prize of the Blockchain Hackathon of Las Rozas (Madrid), to solve some of the challenges faced by the city in terms of energy and environment. You can see what the experience was like in this post.

“If we achieve this, the user will be more and more independent and able to control their own production independently of the big companies”, says Victor, co-founder of SolarMente.

In the meantime, try our self-consumption calculator and find out how much you can reduce your electricity bill.
Forget about fluctuating electricity prices and make a positive impact on the environment.
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Personalizamos tu plan
para que se adapte 100% a ti
Maximiza la vida útil de
tus paneles solares