10 tips to make my home more efficient

10 trucos para hacer mi vivienda más eficiente

By opting for a more efficient home, you can reduce your electricity bill by up to 50%.

But that’s not all.

Homes that achieve greater energy efficiency thanks to the installation of solar panels can increase the value of the home by between 10% and 20% more than its initial value.

In any case, you can create a sustainable home with small changes in your consumption habits.

Small gestures that are easy to implement in your daily routine and that will help you to make significant savings.

But we are not only talking about reducing consumption, but also about making the most of energy and avoiding waste.

How to do it?

Don’t worry, because today we are going to tell you how to make your home more efficient and save on electricity from the first month, while at the same time looking after the planet.

1. Energy-efficient appliances

When it’s time to replace your appliances, make sure you replace them with a model with a high energy efficiency label.

In fact, you can save around 500 euros by using class A appliances.

etiquetado eficiencia energética

2. Avoid heat loss and excess heat

Whether you have ceramic or gas hobs, use the correct size when cooking to avoid excess heat escaping.

If you can see any of the electric ring or gas flame, it means the heat is working in vain, heating the air instead of the pan or pot.

3. Don’t leave the oven on longer than necessary.

Turn off the oven a few minutes before the food is ready, leaving it to continue cooking with the excess heat.

It takes a while to cool down, and otherwise that heat will simply be wasted.

4. Unplug appliances that you don’t use

Unplug appliances that may be plugged in and not in use.

Standby mode still consumes energy in your home, so unplugging appliances will ensure you don’t waste unnecessary energy.

This advice applies to all electronic devices in your home, not just in the kitchen.

5. Look for alternatives to air conditioning

There are other energy-saving options, such as using a ceiling fan.

An air conditioner usually has a minimum power consumption of 600W. A ceiling fan, however, consumes between 60 and 70 W, so your electricity bill will be considerably lower.

You can also invest in a stand fan, or use a portable air conditioning unit at night, which will allow you to switch off the central air conditioning.

6. Close the doors

To maintain the temperature locally in the rooms and create chambers inside the house.

Avoid draughts that increase the feeling of cold.

Keeping the doors closed also helps the heat emitted by the radiators to be better concentrated in each room.

7. Install a dimmer switch on lights.

Using a dimmer switch allows you to turn off lights so that they don’t run at full power for longer than necessary.

As a result, you will not use as much energy to light your home.

8. Use energy-efficient lighting

LED bulbs, although more expensive than traditional models, help us save up to 80% more energy.

And not only that.

An LED bulb needs a tenth of the electricity to produce the same amount of light. And because it doesn’t get as hot, it lasts much longer.

consumo según tipo de bombilla

9. Keep your home at the right temperature

Set the right temperature in your home.

What is the optimum temperature depending on the season?

Here we tell you.

In summer, the ideal temperature for your home is around 23ºC or 24ºC.

On the other hand, in winter, during the night the appropriate range is 17ºC and 18ºC and during the day around 21ºC.

Keeping it outside these ranges will mean a higher cost in your electricity bill.

10. Control water consumption

Change baths for short showers.

They require less hot water.

Similarly, don’t use the washing machine and dishwasher if they are not fully loaded. This is a way to avoid wasting water.

You can also reduce the thermostat on the water heater.

Small gestures, big changes

Achieving a more efficient home depends, to a large extent, on our daily habits:

  • Washing clothes in cold water

  • Turning off the tap while washing the dishes or brushing your teeth

  • Using power strips to avoid phantom consumption.

We are talking about simple changes in our routine that will help you avoid high electricity bills and turn your home into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly space.

If you want to go one step further and reduce your electricity costs even more, you can always opt for solar energy:

>> Just click on this link and calculate your savings.

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