How SolarMente is taking action on climate change

Cómo actuamos en SolarMente frente al cambio climático

The impact of climate change is becoming more perceptible every day.

We only have to look around us.

Extreme weather effects, from droughts to severe tropical storms.

High temperatures with continuous heat waves in Europe.

Rising sea levels.

In this context, at SolarMente, we seek to take measures to mitigate the impact on the environment and society.

And that is exactly what we are going to show you in this article.

A model that directly addresses the sources of climate-related problems.

Let’s get started!

Sustainable team building against climate change

Sustainable team building has become one of the latest trends in involving employees and doing their bit for key issues such as, for example:

  • Protecting the environment.

  • Responsible use of natural resources and energy.

  • Solidarity with those most in need and equality, among others.

Another strategy being implemented by many organisations is to volunteer with employees outside the workplace, and even in their free time, in solidarity or environmental protection activities.

Commitment to and involvement in sustainability and climate change

The whole team is a bit frustrated with the continuous negative news about climate change and the few actions taken to stop it.

So we at SolarMente want to make a positive impact and are asking ourselves what we can do on our side to solve the problem.

The first thing we have done is to calculate our greenhouse gas emissions and our corporate carbon footprint in order to take concrete actions to reduce and offset them.

SolarMente and Life Terra collaboration

But we are not satisfied with just offsetting our emissions, we want to go further.

11% of global GHG emissions are caused by deforestation. Nature-based solutions are the most effective in combating climate change, but they only receive 3% of all climate finance.

It’s time we acted to address environmental concerns.

That’s why we have contacted Life Terra, one of Europe’s leading climate action initiatives, which has helped us to make our commitment a reality.

For this foundation, planting trees is the most cost-effective nature-based solution to sequestering carbon.

Actividades para reducir la huella de carbono

It believes – as we do – that planting trees plays an important role in combating climate change and the devastation it causes (heat waves, drought, forest loss, desertification, erosion and flooding).

We believe that restoring degraded ecosystems is one of the important lines of action to regenerate territories and act against the climate crisis.

Planting native trees is one of the best climate change mitigation and adaptation measures we can undertake.

Without going any further, we have planted a total of 125 trees of different native species in the surroundings of the Parc de la Riera in Viladecans; on the edges of the riverbed, making it an urban restoration project.

And pay attention to the following fact.

Each tree will absorb around 200 kg of CO2 (carbon dioxide) over the next 40 years.

So why are we waiting to plant more trees?

Climate change is in everyone’s hands

We need to act in the same direction.

From the state, through companies to citizens.

Because the economic, social and environmental effects are devastating.

How can you start?

With small gestures in your daily routine and by using energy efficiently.

Not only will you help to curb climate change, but you will also see significant savings, especially on your electricity bill.

The transition to a sustainable energy model is key to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions set for 2030.

And one of the best ways to do this is through solar energy.

If you want to switch to self-consumption and:

  • Consume clean energy.

  • Save up to 50% on your monthly bill.

You only have to calculate your solar kit in this link.

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