What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how do we apply them at SolarMente?

Qué son los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y cómo los aplicamos en SolarMente
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were celebrated on 25 September 2015 with the aim of implementing proposals that would contribute to a more sustainable and just world, where poverty is eradicated.
Each goal has a defined target and indicators that will give a pass or fail to our actions and whether we are on the right track.
We are talking about measures that involve everyone, both individual citizens and companies and governments of each country.
That is why today we would like to explain what these goals consist of and our commitment to achieving a more sustainable energy model.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals and why were they created?

The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of proposals that seek to end poverty, improve people’s lives and build a more sustainable planet.
They are made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, adopted in 2015 by all United Nations Member States with the intention of achieving these goals within 15 years.
It is true that important achievements are taking place, but there is still a lot of work to be done. They are not progressing at the pace that is expected or desired and are posed as the solution towards the achievement of these goals.
Each goal has a different target and its own indicators to determine whether or not the goal is being met. This involves business, governments, companies and citizens alike.

Our commitment to sustainable development: how do we do it?

At SolarMente we are convinced that our contribution to a sustainable future is by working in alignment with the SDGs.
And that’s what we do: we put people at the centre, leaving no one behind. Our intention is that every homeowner can make a tangible contribution to the fight against climate change.

SDG 3. Health and Wellbeing

We have overcome several major causes of death and disease. Life expectancy has increased considerably, but there is still a missing piece of information: progress has not been the same for everyone and life expectancy between countries has not matched each other, with a discrepancy of 31 years.
Therefore, from SolarMente we use solar energy as a clean source that does not require water to generate electricity, as fossil fuels do.
Moreover, it does not pose a risk to the people who work in this sector and provides electricity in those geographical areas where there is no supply for everyone.
But our work does not end here. We not only care about making a correct installation, but we also want you to know the benefits that solar energy brings you. And not only for you, but also for the rest of the world and the environment.

SDG 7. Affordable and clean energy

Pay close attention to this fact: between 2000 and 2018 the percentage of people who had access to electricity increased from 78% to 90%.
To increase this percentage further, we need to focus on clean energy and improve energy productivity.
It is quite alarming that energy is the main contributor to climate change and accounts for 60% of all greenhouse gas emissions.
Our commitment is to get more people to switch to solar energy, to be aware of the positive impact on the planet and the significant savings in their homes.

SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth

The last 25 years have seen a significant decline in extreme poverty conditions.

But of course, growth is very slow and inequalities are increasing while there is a deficit of jobs due to the growing strength of the labour market.
Therefore, through SDG 8, we aim to stimulate sustainable economic growth, democratising green energy and offering the possibility to generate your own electricity, save and switch to self-consumption.
Creating new jobs in the solar photovoltaic sector and always in a sustainable way.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

With more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas, cities need to be made safer and more sustainable to ensure decent housing.

And not only this, but investing in public transport, cleaner public areas.
How do we meet SDG 11 at SolarMente? We come to your doorstep to offer you better quality and cleaner air thanks to the use of an inexhaustible energy source that does not pollute.

SDG 12: Responsible production and consumption

To experience sustainable economic growth, we need to make a change in our consumption habits and production methods.
Not only at the individual level, but also companies need to make changes in the way they produce and switch to recycled materials and away from fossil fuels.
By using solar energy, you are changing your consumption habits. You are producing in a sustainable way and reducing your dependence on fossil fuel-based electricity.
Businesses should also make a big effort here, as the agricultural sector is the main consumer of fresh water for irrigation. We are talking about no less than 70% of this available water. This is food for thought.
And don’t worry about the impact of a photovoltaic installation.
Why are we telling you this?
Because it is possible to recycle solar panels. 90% of the materials in these components can be recycled to pave the way to sustainability.

SDG 13. Climate action

Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise and are now 50% higher than they were in 1990. Global warming is accelerating – just look at the dramatic temperature changes we are experiencing year on year.

By adopting technological measures and strategies at the political level, we can still limit the rise in temperature.
As a renewable and clean energy company, SDG 13 is one of our key pillars where we fight climate change and stand for a safe and clean alternative to improve the planet.

Go for a sustainable development with solar energy

The importance of promoting measures to achieve a sustainable future means benefits at all levels: cleaner cities, electricity for all, creation of new jobs, etc.
With solar energy you can contribute to all of this. We take care of the entire installation process so that you don’t have to worry at any time and become a producer and consumer of electricity. Not only will you contribute to a more sustainable energy model, but you will also see significant financial savings and say goodbye to energy dependence on your company.
Find out how much you can save with our solar calculator or contact us to explain how easy the process is. You’ll find out that you don’t need to be Einstein to understand.
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