Solar panel maintenance: how to make your system as efficient as possible

Mantenimiento de placas solares: cómo hacer que tu sistema sea lo más eficiente posible

Orientation, geographical location and tilt are some key points to maximise the performance of the system.

But we forget other factors that have a significant influence. This is the case of the maintenance of the solar panels.

It is true that the modules are designed to withstand adverse weather conditions such as snow or strong winds. However, this production performance can be affected if the photovoltaic installation is not properly cared for.

Keeping the system in good condition will allow you to increase the energy production to be consumed in your home and enjoy solar energy for longer.

In this article we are going to explain how to maintain solar panels correctly and we will also discuss:

  • The cost of maintenance

  • When is the right time to carry out a check-up

  • How and when to clean your solar panels and how to do it.

  • How to maintain the elements of an installation

  • Who is responsible for the maintenance of an installation

What does solar panel maintenance include?

The maintenance of solar panels in a home not only includes the cleaning of the photovoltaic system, but also the revision of the elements, the structure and the replacement of defective parts.

This whole procedure guarantees the correct state of the installation’s components to ensure good performance of the solar panels and maximise it with a single objective: to increase energy production.

It is important to bear in mind that clean panels generate more energy than if the surface is covered with dirt, either by dust or other elements that hinder the profitability of the system.

And who carries out this work? As a general rule, the activity will fall to the owner of the house.

The good thing about a photovoltaic system is that its structure contains no moving parts, i.e. the risk of breakage due to malfunctions is reduced.

If replacement parts are required for defective elements, who is responsible for the repair depends on whether the solar panels are purchased or rented. In this case, it will be the company or the owner of the system. In addition, the warranty and insurance will play an important role if you become the owner.

How much does the maintenance of solar panels cost?

When buying or renting a photovoltaic installation we tend to associate a high maintenance cost.

But is this true?

The reality is quite different. The fact is that the maintenance cost of solar panels is low thanks to the resistant materials that make up the system , which hardly require any of our attention.

However, it is true that the cost depends on the type of contract you have chosen.

If you have chosen to lease your solar panels, the cost will be included in your monthly payment. You gain peace of mind and security in the knowledge that you will not have to face any additional costs. Buying solar panels, on the other hand, means that you will have to pay the full cost.

What does it depend on whether the tariff is higher or lower? Consider these two factors: the number of modules in the installation and the quality of the materials.

Having a large installation increases the price of cleaning or any replacement of defective parts.

On the other hand, the quality of the system is another key point. To reduce costs, we advise you to follow the quality standards and the manufacturer’s instructions.

In any of the aforementioned contracts, cleaning will be at your expense. However, you have two ways to go depending on your preferences:

  • Do the cleaning yourself. Water and a soft sponge is all you need. In addition, you will save more money.

  • Hire a company to take care of the maintenance of solar panels. You will have to add the cost of labour. If you have a sufficient budget and want to spend your time on other tasks, this is a good option for you.

How to detect that the system needs maintenance?

Finding out that your PV system needs an overhaul is straightforward.

First, check the energy production.

Is it generating the expected amount, and has there been a significant drop in production?

You can find out this information using the installer’s application that monitors your system’s PV production.

If you have detected any anomalies, compare with the energy obtained in the same months in previous years. In the event of significant drops, contact the installation company to have parts replaced.

Other ways to detect that there are problems in the installation? Here are a couple of extra suggestions:

  • Check your electricity bill. Check how much energy the grid is consuming. If there has been a significant change, contact the company that installed the panels.

  • Look (if you have one) at the indicator light installed on your panels. Some manufacturers choose to install these elements to find out at a glance if they are working properly. If it is green, there is no problem. If it is flashing or changing colour, there may be a fault.

Cleaning solar panels: what you need to know to keep your system in perfect condition

In the maintenance of photovoltaic solar panels, cleaning is a simple but essential process if we do not want our system to be damaged by dirt.

According to a study, panel production can be affected by dust particles and atmospheric pollution by up to 25% depending on the geographical area.

How can this problem be avoided? With preventive maintenance to ensure that the panels are clean and that the solar radiation does not get in the way of the generation of electricity.

How are photovoltaic panels cleaned?

Rain is a phenomenon that helps to keep your installation clean, but not all geographical areas are equally lucky and receive regular rainfall.

Therefore, if there is any dirt accumulated on the panels, cleaning will have to be carried out in one way or another.

What do you need to start the process?

All you need is water and a non-abrasive sponge to avoid damaging the surface.

If you have a hose, the process will be more convenient. However, you will need plenty of water to remove the dirt, especially if it has been there longer than you would like. In this case, use a sponge to remove the remaining parts of your modules.

An important fact: remember not to scratch the glass, otherwise you will damage the system, reducing the levels of solar energy production for self-consumption.

Also, take a good look at the particles on the solar panels. Do not drag sand or gravel, as it easily damages the modules. For reasons such as these, it is important that the modules are damp when cleaning them.

How often should the solar panels be cleaned?

The elements of a system are made of highly resistant materials that can withstand adverse weather conditions.

For this reason, an installation does not require thorough cleaning. Two to four times a year will be sufficient for a good maintenance of your solar panels.

By carrying out this number of annual cleanings, it is possible to monitor the performance and detect existing problems in a short period of time and to take measures quickly.

In what season of the year is it advisable to do this treatment?

There is no specific month for cleaning your panels. However, our recommendation is to carry out this work in spring or autumn when leaves and droppings accumulate more. And under no circumstances should you try to clean the panels when there are strong gusts of wind.

In summer, it is better to opt for the early hours of the morning because it can be a significant thermal shock if it is carried out in the intervals with the highest temperatures.

Can I do the cleaning myself or do I have to hire the service?

The most important thing is that the homeowner or final beneficiary will be responsible for this process. The type of contract, whether rental or purchase, is irrelevant.

By renting solar panels, all breakdowns or replacement of parts in bad condition will be replaced and covered by us. In this case, you will not have to pay any additional costs.

However, what is not included is the cleaning service. But as you have seen, it is a simple process that requires very little work.

If you don’t want to spend time doing the cleaning yourself, you have the option of hiring a maintenance service and leaving everything in the hands of a professional.

Maintenance of the remaining elements of a solar photovoltaic installation

The cleaning and maintenance of photovoltaic solar panels is not a tedious process, but we must not forget the other components that make up the installation and are essential for proper operation.

The solar inverters are the key part of the installation that transform the current energy into alternating energy suitable for consumption in our home. Therefore, they need to be checked periodically to avoid future incidents.

Any perceived irregularity will be notified in order to change the parts, the cost of which will depend on the product’s guarantee, if they are under a purchase contract. If the system is rented, the installation company will take care of it.

The lifetime of the inverter is shorter than that provided by a panel, for this same reason, it is advisable to carry out annual checks and analyse the data that will give us true information about the production of the installation.

On the other hand, it is important to inspect the wiring and connections, especially between the batteries and the inverter, to check that everything is in order.

Optionally, if we choose to install solar batteries to reduce dependence on the grid, they require more or less control depending on their type.

Stationary or open acid batteries require more attention. Control and periodically maintain the distilled water inside the battery for a simple reason: a reaction takes place that evaporates it and it will be necessary to refill it to make it work again.

Others, with superior technology such as lithium batteries, require little or no maintenance. Moreover, as they do not emit gases, they can be placed in any room of the house.

Who takes care of the replacement of defective parts (what you should know in case of breakdowns)?

If you rent the system

When replacing defective parts, the cost to be paid will vary depending on whether or not you are the owner of the photovoltaic system.

If you rent the panels, the maintenance will be carried out by the company, i.e. we will carry out the necessary replacement of the components in poor condition without having to pay extra money on your part. It is included in the monthly fee.

>>If you want to enjoy economical energy that reduces your electricity bills every month without having to worry about maintenance, enter here and discover all the advantages of our solar subscription model.

Remember that periodic cleaning will not be included in any of the modalities and the responsibility will be yours alone. However, this task requires very little effort.

If you buy the solar panels

But what happens if you buy the system?

The replacement of the elements will be free of charge as long as they are included in the warranty. As a standard, we can say that the periods established according to the components are:

  • Solar panels: 10 years or more

  • Wiring with 2 years warranty

  • The solar inverter has about 10 years of warranty

  • The solar bateries have 10 years

At SolarMente, we only trust manufacturers who offer quality parts with a comprehensive warranty. Therefore, when considering prices, we should not look at how cheap it is, but ensure that the product will have a long service life.

In short, the parts will be replaced if they are under warranty or you have insurance, but if they are replaced due to misuse of the installation or if the necessary periodic cleaning has not been carried out, the owner of the property will be responsible for this, whether it is a rental or a purchase.

One last piece of advice: take out a home insurance policy that covers theft or theft of the solar panels.

Are there any regulations for the maintenance of solar panels?

There is no regulation that requires regular maintenance of solar panels or contracting a service.

But of course, if we want to have an installation in perfect conditions and that it lasts as long as possible, it needs a minimum of care.

Over the years, the elements need to be renewed so that our self-consumption installation continues to produce energy like the first day.

Therefore, do not take any risks and carry out preventive maintenance. Carry out the minimum cleaning required and prevent dirt from becoming an obstacle. This way, the performance of your panels will remain at high levels.

What are the advantages of maintaining your photovoltaic installation correctly?

Good maintenance is essential so that your installation does not deteriorate and can offer you maximum photovoltaic production throughout its useful life.

Taking into account the tips mentioned throughout the article, we can summarise that you will be able to take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Produce the expected solar energy and not experience a reduction in yield due to dirt in the system.

  • With only 3-4 cleanings per year, you will have thepanels intact so that they continue to generate energy efficiently.

  • The life span of the elements can be extended by taking good care of the system.

An innovative cleaning method

The most accessible and easiest method we know today is to clean the solar panels with plenty of water.

But not all areas have enough of this natural resource. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are working on a new method that removes dirt from the installations dry without damaging the surface.

According to this study, static electricity is able to prevent the accumulation of dust on the panels, making it a more sustainable cleaning method.

What does this technique consist of?

Its application requires passing an electrode over the area of the solar panel using an electrical conductor such as a metal rod.

An electric field is then created by the electrode, causing the dust particles to become electrically charged.

In this way, the dust is released from the surface.

The scientists have carried out experiments with humidity levels of between 5 and 95 percent and claim that it will be possible to remove dirt with this method in geographical areas with humidity levels of more than 30 percent, but that the results would not be as effective.

Extend the life of your solar system with a little care

The maintenance of solar panels is not a laborious or costly process.

Remember: clean your system two to four times a year. This preventive care is an important economic saving that will avoid future problems with the installation.

In addition to carrying out the indicated number of cleanings, it is advisable to carry out periodic inspections to ensure that the system is working properly.

However, maintenance differs from purchasing or renting:

  • If you want to opt for solar panel rental (or solar subscription model), the replacement of the components will be included in the payment of the monthly fee and we will be responsible for making the change and the opportune revisions.

  • On the other hand, if you have made the decision to purchase the installation, the replacement of the parts will only be covered if they remain under warranty. Otherwise, the cost will be borne by the owner.

Even so, if you are not sure which is the best option to choose, try our savings calculator and find out how much you can save from the first month knowing that the energy used is environmentally friendly.

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