6 reasons why solar panels are cost-effective

6 motivos que demuestran que las placas solares son rentables

End of the month. Yes, again.

And all you ask yourself is “How much has the electricity bill gone up?

What an odyssey to live in this uncertainty every day, don’t you think?

You can’t control price volatility.

For this very reason, renewable energies have entered the market with great acceptance. Self-consumption is no longer a great unknown and the benefits provided by solar energy are numerous, not only economically but also environmentally and socially.

A clean and inexhaustible source that continues to grow and gain more and more followers among people.

For this reason, today we present 6 reasons that prove that solar panels are profitable.

6 reasons to opt for self-consumption in your home (and we’re not just talking about savings)

When we think about self-consumption, we get our hands in our heads and all we can think about is the cost.

But the reality is different.

There are various forms of financing and the mind betrays us thinking in the short term.

Because the moment you make the investment profitable, everything is profit. And we can already tell you that the payback time is not long.

Here is a selection of 6 reasons that confirm that solar panels are profitable (with data included, of course).

But first of all, what better way to start than with the opinions of customers who have already tried our service. If you are curious and want to see a concrete case, we recommend you to watch this interview we did with Amber.

Spoiler: she explains the differences she noticed after the installation, how was the process and her experience with us.

Now, let’s get to the reasons why.

1. The price of solar panels is becoming more and more affordable.

Solar self-consumption installations have fallen in price in recent years and are becoming a reasonable investment cost. Solar panels have reduced in price by up to 90% in the last 10 years, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IAEA).

For example, a complete solar installation of 8 panels costs approximately €5,900 including VAT today.

Ten years ago this price was around €14,000.

This reduction in the price of solar panels is due to a number of factors:

  • technological development
  • European subsidies
  • policies that encourage self-consumption

Moreover, we tend to establish everything as an expense.

But the truth is that we are talking about an investment. Under standard conditions, the return on investment takes 6 or 7 years, but various factors come into play that reduce this period.

Whether it is the climate of the geographical area or the aid and subsidies offered by each community, among other factors.

And don’t forget that the useful life of solar panels is up to 25 years. What’s more, with good maintenance, they can generate electricity for your home for 30 years.

2. You save on your electricity bill

How many times have you dreaded the end of the month just to avoid the high costs of your electricity bill?

This is normal. Electricity prices are unstable and, even if we do our best to control our energy consumption, we have no way of changing electricity prices.

At the moment, we don’t have that power.

Self-consumption allows you to save on energy consumption, on the variable term of the electricity bill.

Note: if you do not know what certain sections of your bill mean, we recommend that you first read this article on how to read and interpret your electricity bill.

<<With solar self-consumption you save up to 60% of your electricity bill, which is an average of 600 euros a year>>, says Victor Gardrinier, co-founder and CTO of SolarMente.

As we show you in this graph, in the left column you will see about 6-7 euros less per month on your electricity bill, thanks to the new 10% VAT. And on the right, you will see that with your solar panels, your savings are even greater.

Even if you are still connected to the traditional grid and have some monthly expenses, you produce your own sustainable energy. And you can also receive financial compensation for your generated surplus.

As we know, electricity prices in Spain have reached new records. On average, the average price of electricity in 2022 has almost doubled the figures for 2021. And although in recent months it has moved away from historical highs, it continues to experience an upward trend with disproportionate prices.

In contrast, a kilowatt hour (kWh) of solar energy costs only 3 to 5 cents (depending on the size of the installation, based on a lifetime of 25 years). This makes solar energy the cheaper and, above all, more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional grid power.

3. Independence from large conventional electricity companies

A photovoltaic installation allows you to reduce your dependence on future increases in the cost of electricity. Every kWh generated and self-consumed is a kWh that you stop buying from the electricity companies.

During the last few years the price of fossil fuels has soared with continuous price volatility and upward trends.

But the good thing about solar energy is that you produce energy all year round and you avoid being affected by the prices of the electricity companies.

4. Government subsidies and grants

At present you can enjoy grants and subsidies for solar panels.

But that’s not all, thanks to the repeal of the sun tax in 2018 by Royal Decree-Law 15/2018, the growth has been remarkable. Right now, solar energy is the…[SEARCH DATA]…

And be careful, because there is no state aid, but each municipality has its own tax benefits in terms of IBI, ICIO or other specific regional aid.

For example, for 8 panels:

3.6kwp system – 5.900 € (4.990 € excluding VAT).

  • European funds subsidy: 600 €/kwp → 3.6 kwp x 600 € = 2.160 € discount.
  • IBI discount: 50% for 5 years. On average another 1.560 €.
  • ICIO discount: 95% of 4% of the total price without VAT → 0,95 x 0,04 x 4.990 € = 190 €.

5. Positive environmental impact

Renewable energies and self-consumption in particular reduce the environmental impact. Thus, each kWh produced by solar technology frees you from approximately 0.31 kg of CO2, reducing your environmental impact.

Solar energy does not require any chemical process that emits harmful substances into the atmosphere as fossil fuels do. Therefore, this is another of its many benefits: it does not accelerate climate change and reduces the carbon footprint.

6. Increases the value of your property

It is not only the renovation of a house that increases the value of the property, but solar panels also play an important role in the purchase decision.

You’re going to love this: more than 80% of potential buyers consider the energy efficiency of a home as an essential value when making a purchase decision.

This makes perfect sense if the system is going to save new homeowners money on their electricity bills. Given the volatility of prices, they are likely to opt for a home with these features sooner.

If you want to find out how much a home can be revalued with a self-consumption installation, just click on this link.

How to save money on your electricity bill and be sustainable?

With solar self-consumption!
✔️El self-consumption allows you to save on energy consumption, in the variable term of the electricity bill.
✔️El self-consumption allows you to reduce your dependence on future rises in the cost of electricity. Every kWh generated and self-consumed is a kWh that you stop buying from the electricity companies.
✔️El solar self-consumption reduces the environmental impact. Therefore each kWh produced by solar technology frees you from 0.31 kg of CO2 (carbon dioxide pollutant emitted into the atmosphere), reducing the environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

How much do I save per month with my solar panels?

The savings generated from solar panels are high. Depending on each installation, the energy generated and the amount of surplus produced, the savings can be greatly maximised. Call us for a personalised study of your roof!

Is solar self-consumption profitable?

Yes! And here we give you 5 justified reasons why self-consumption is a profitable investment for your home. These are:

  1. Affordable solar panels.
  2. Savings on electricity bills.
  3. Independence from large conventional electricity companies.
  4. Government subsidies and grants.
  5. Positive environmental impact.

Can I save money with my panels?

Yes, as there are discounts on your taxes for having solar panels installed and they vary according to each council and region:

IBI: in some cases this discount can mean a reduction of up to 50% for 5 and a half years, which will drastically reduce the final price of your solar panel installation.

ICIO: you can save up to 95% of the final amount of this tax on your solar installation.

Do you want to switch to self-consumption and save every month?

We know first-hand that switching to solar energy requires a significant investment, but you have tools within your reach that accelerate the return on investment, such as subsidies and grants.

And not only that, you’ll see the results from the first month. Imagine what it would be like to live with the peace of mind that you won’t have any surprises on your next bill.

Choosing a company with experts in solar energy is essential. But it’s also important that the process is simple. We already have enough bureaucracy without adding another problem to your life.

That’s why:

  • We care about offering you the best service. If you have a question, we don’t spend half a century to answer it. In a day or two you get your answer.
  • We maintain a fluent conversation with you, telling you about all the phases of the process.
  • We make a customised installation for you. No oversizing the system.

But first of all, you need to know how much you can save. And you can find out in a very simple way, using our self-consumption calculator.

You can make your savings calculations here.

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para que se adapte 100% a ti
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tus paneles solares