How to install solar panels on a house: a step-by-step guide

Cómo instalar paneles solares en una vivienda: guía paso a paso
Are you thinking of going solar at ?Do you still have doubts about how to install solar panels on your home? Is it a simple process or is there a lot of bureaucracy?

You have the first step: you want to switch to clean energy and reduce your dependence on your electricity supplier.

What is not yet clear to you is what the process of the photovoltaic installation would be like. The paperwork, times, previous steps to consider and what are the phases of the process for a correct operation.

Today we are going to talk about how to install solar panels on your house step by step, stages prior to the installation and commissioning of the photovoltaic system.

Before starting with the installation of solar panels

To install photovoltaic panels it is necessary to consider a series of steps prior to installation if we want to ensure a good performance in the future of the system and not have legal problems due to lack of documentation to present.So, what do we have to do before the installation? Let’s take a look at the procedure to follow:

1. Installation proposal

The first step before installing solar panels is to get a proposal based on the characteristics of your home and your current energy consumption.Therefore, you will have to present a monthly electricity bill in order to find out how much you are spending and the electrical power required to cover those needs.

If you still don’t know how much money you can save each month with solar energy, try our self-consumption calculator.

2. Roof study

Second step? Study the roof with a team of professionals who know how to install solar panels on a house.To do this, they will carry out a study of the surface area, orientation and type of roof to find out if your home meets the necessary requirements for the installation of solar panels.

And another important piece of information: shading. This is a factor that will also have an impact on the viability of the photovoltaic system, selecting the installation that allows you to obtain maximum performance without forgetting your consumption habits.

3. Submission of paperwork and licences

The last phase before the installation of the solar panels, and once the proposal has been accepted, is the presentation of a series of formalities and licences that must be approved in order to begin the installation.Depending on the municipality, certain taxes and fees will also have to be paid.

Keep this in mind: solar panels cannot be installed without permits.

But before we move on to the next point, you can count on subsidies for photovoltaic self-consumption and subsidies for solar panels that are specific to each region.

Here is the list of subsidies according to the province of Catalonia where you live:

  • Solar panels in Girona
  • Solar panels in Tarragona
  • Self-consumption in Barcelona
  • Installation of solar panels in Lleida
These municipal procedures can be obtained in approximately 2-3 weeks, but this is an approximate figure that varies depending on the council where your home is located.The same applies to subsidies for your photovoltaic installation. Approximate time? Between 1 or 2 months.

Finally, once these preliminary steps have been completed, the installation of the solar panels begins.

That said, what is the process for installing solar panels?

Now, it is time to install the photovoltaic panels. Once again, we stress the need to call in experts in the sector to ensure that the system works properly and that there are no surprises in the future.Here is a step-by-step guide:

Phase 1: Assembling the structure of the photovoltaic system

Don’t think that this is just a matter of arriving, planting the solar panels and that’s it! That’s it.There are a number of elements that need to be fixed step by step.

What is the first one?

The brackets to support the roof. Factors such as the typology or inclination of the house will determine which structure to use.

We have to know that the structure will not be the same for modules placed on the same plane as for a flat roof where it will be necessary to tilt the solar panels if we want to obtain maximum performance from the installation and, of course, avoid the sail effect.

Phase 2: Fixing the roof and installing the solar panels

Well, now that we have the structure, let’s move on to the next step: fixing the roof and placing the solar panels.The pitch and the type of house will be key factors in determining the process.

What is the most common? A pitched roof with arabic tiles, but there are other cases such as flat roofs that are covered with asphalt fabric. This slope is between 20º and 35º in Spain.

The anchoring used in the structure will depend on the roof to which it will be anchored.

Next, we proceed to place the photovoltaic panels and the interconnection between them.

Phase 3: connecting the panels to each other and to the inverter.

The panels are connected in series between the modules in the same row and also in parallel to connect the rows according to the configuration established between the panels and the inverter. If you would like to know more about this, here is more information about the solar inverter of a photovoltaic installation.For this purpose, commonly used electrical connectors known as MC4 are used.

It is also important to fit the connectors correctly, as a poorly made connection will have a negative effect on the system. This means a lower performance of the installation, even causing problems in the structure itself. Therefore, this must be essential.

This connection between panels allows the electrical generation of the system to be directed to a centralised point: the inverter.

Phase 4: Connecting the inverter to the electrical panel

We move on to the next phase with the connection of these panels and the inverter itself to transform the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) that will allow us to enjoy the energy produced by the panels and be consumed in our daily routine, dispensing to a large extent with the commercial companies.More clean energy and savings for you!

This inverter must be connected to the electrical panel so that the installation is complete and the energy can be consumed.

It is also vital to keep it away from sunlight because overheating has a negative effect on performance. Similarly, it is important not to place the inverter to the south and to opt for the inside of the house if possible. If this is not the case, get protective equipment so that lightning does not affect the system.

Phase 5: connect the batteries (if necessary)

Finally, if you decide to opt for an off-grid system or want to reduce your dependence on the grid, there is another important factor in the installation of solar panels so that you are not overly dependent on your utility company. This component is called the battery.For this, you will not be able to use conventional inverters but will need a hybrid inverter that manages the charging and discharging of the batteries.

The operation of this inverter is very simple. When the battery is at a low level of charge, it will draw power from the external grid.

Don’t forget that this is a more expensive system, but it will give you more freedom.

It is important to take into account the electrical and safety regulations and to have protective equipment for the installation personnel, such as clothing, footwear and other accessories that minimise the risks associated with the installation.

Opt for professionals in photovoltaic self-consumption

You already know the whole process of how to install solar panels on a house. It is a procedure that requires the participation of experts in the photovoltaic sector in terms of installation.Always evaluate and compare before making a quick decision. It is a long-term investment where choosing the right professionals will determine the performance of the system and the maximum enjoyment of self-consumption.

Therefore, we will summarize the process of an installation from SolarMente:

  1. Planning: once we know how much you can save with our solar calculator, we will assign you a solar coach to explain how we work and what are the benefits of going solar.
  2. Customisation: We will analyse your roof and optimise the installation for your needs. The signed quotation will not change in the future. Everything is included, with no additional costs involved.
  3. Installation: our installer will come to your home, set up the system as mentioned above and in no time you will be consuming your own sustainable energy.
Solar energy can be simple and cost-effective if you contact the right company. You have already taken the first step by becoming interested in a more sustainable energy model, the next step is to install solar panels on your roof and start enjoying all the advantages of self-consumption.
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