Solar energy in Spain 2021: the year of big changes

Energía solar en España 2021: el año de los grandes cambios
The year 2021 has been the great success of renewable energies in Spain, but solar energy experienced a significant growth of 28.8% compared to 2020, according to the report presented by Red Eléctrica de España.
And this is not the only fact to highlight. Coal has seen a reduction in its installed capacity on a large scale, decreasing its capacity by 34.3% compared to 2020. Good news, don’t you think?
Solar energy in Spain is undergoing great changes and forging ahead as one of the best alternatives to produce electricity without harming and increasing climate change.
Today we want to talk to you about the changes in photovoltaic energy, the increase in solar production in Spain and what is happening in terms of climate change in this country.
Let’s get started!

Solar energy production in Spain: how much has changed?

Has solar photovoltaic production undergone a big change in 2021? Is there an effort to promote clean or green energy? That is the crux of the matter.
Electricity generation is reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and green energies are being promoted instead. In 2021, they accounted for 9.7% more than the previous year. A figure of 121,305 GWh was generated, making them 46.7% of the Spanish energy mix, largely thanks to wind power.
In second place, nuclear energy remains in second place. What is the positive data? Its decrease by 3.1% less than in 2020. It is still not a very high figure, but year after year it is being phased out more and more.
We continue with the combined cycle, representing 17.1%, 11.4% belonging to hydro and we finish with solar energy, which represents 8%.

Green transition for the climate: creation of the European Green Pact

Developments are positive, but climate action must continue.
We know that climate change and environmental degradation are challenges we face worldwide.
To overcome these threats, the European Green Pact has been developed, setting out the roadmap for moving the European Union (EU) towards a sustainable economy.
A good opportunity for countries like Spain where sunshine hours are very high and the possibility of redirecting the country to the ecological transition through solar energy is easily within our reach.

What is the European Green Pact?

Broadly speaking, the European Green Pact is a set of initiatives with the aim of leading the EU towards a green transition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
Solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources that are linked to this Pact and contributes to sustainable development whose benefits are not only felt at an individual level but as a society as a whole.
Let’s see what you can take away from this.

What are the benefits you can get?

Simple. Cleaner and more sustainable economy.
In this way, we achieve better air, water and soil quality.
And why has 2021 been the year of choice for solar energy in Spain?
Because of all the projects financed by the EU in favour of a green economy, new economic opportunities and aid to citizens and companies to reduce CO2 emissions.
All this information is compiled in the Just Transition Mechanism, which will mobilise at least 100 billion euros over the period 2021-2027 in the most affected regions.

What is Spain doing to promote solar energy against climate change?

Solar energy in Spain in 2021 did not lag behind. What did the institutions do to accelerate the process?
The government presented just the year before, the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law which set the ultimate goal of climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest.
Its objectives? We tell you about them:
  • Implement a 100% renewable electricity system by 2050.
  • To reduce emissions by at least 20% by 2030.
  • Reduce primary energy by at least 35% through energy efficiency measures.
And it doesn’t end there.
In the same year (2020), the main lines of the Spanish Government’s Recovery Plan were presented with the aim of reactivating the economy and creating 800,000 jobs.

SolarMente, your ally in solar energy

The transition to a carbon neutral economy is an ongoing process. But as climate change and its impact on the planet becomes more evident, it is accelerating.
We need to get the green transition underway and what better way than to start with solar power. You’ll save more on your electricity bill, pollute less and if you’re worried about the investment, there are a number of self-consumption grants available.
However, we understand that the information can be overwhelming. Don’t get your head over your head with all the data that appears out of nowhere. Use SolarMente’s self-consumption calculator and find out how much you can save on your electricity bill.
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