Elevate your solar experience with our services


Like you, we don't like surprises either.

We check, update and clean your system to ensure it performs optimally and is free of blockages. We also advise you on any questions or needs you may have. We respond in less than 48 hours.

— All for €190/year (VAT included)


Your peace of mind is also ours

We provide assistance and solutions to any problems you may have with your system. We want your installation to be in optimal condition and performance.  

SolarMente Energy

A fair, competitive bill with no extra costs.

Our electricity tariff is priced at the market rate, a price that only the big electricity companies can afford. And now, you can too.

In addition, we also offer you the Solar Piggy Bank. A virtual battery where you can store the surplus energy you have generated and send it to your second home or wherever you want. This surplus energy is paid at the current market value. Our goal? Reduce your bill to €0.

Frequently Asked Questions

The care of solar panels is simple and minimal. They are built to withstand weather conditions and usually only need occasional cleaning and checks to ensure their proper functioning and avoid damage.

Everything is included. You will not have any extra cost for maintenance or repair of the system.

Solar panels usually require little maintenance due to their glass cover, which tends to keep itself clean. Occasionally, if dirt such as leaves or debris accumulates, a gentle washing with water from a hose or using a soft sponge or brush is sufficient. Regular observation is key to identifying accumulations that may affect its efficiency. In general, the protective coating on the panels allows rain and sun to keep them clean, minimizing the need for frequent cleaning.

Both options are valid and the decision will depend on your personal situation: With purchase, the customer owns the installation, which requires a higher initial investment. In return, the control and profitability of the system is greater. With the solar subscription, no initial investment is required; a single monthly fee is paid, which also includes all maintenance and repairs of the installation. The objective of this model is to facilitate access to the advantages of energy to a greater number of households.

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Personalizamos tu plan
para que se adapte 100% a ti
Maximiza la vida útil de
tus paneles solares