Solar panels in Madrid: subsidies, prices and production

Placas solares en Madrid: subvenciones

Do you want to install solar panels in Madrid?

It is the European capital with the most hours of sunshine per year and a great potential for energy production, surpassing cities such as Germany, which is strongly committed to this renewable energy.

And its boom is not only related to its capacity to generate energy.

There are other characteristics such as the regulations and subsidies for solar panels, which have led to homes and businesses wanting to opt for self-consumption in this region.

In this post we explain all the factors you need to know for the installation of solar panels in Madrid:

Grants and subsidies

Installation prices

Production capacity

Ideal inclination and orientation of the community

Formalities and permits for the installation

Compensation of surpluses

How long it takes to recover the investment

Ways to switch to self-consumption

Grants and subsidies for solar panels in Madrid

The Community of Madrid is one of the cities that is strongly committed to the transition towards a sustainable energy model.

This is why it encourages the installation of photovoltaic systems.

What are the subsidies for solar panels offered by Madrid?

Here are all the ones you can apply for:

IBI (Real Estate Tax) subsidies

ICIO (Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works) rebate.

Next Generation Funds

Autonomous Community Grants

Deduction in the IRPF (Personal Income Tax).

What is the great advantage of this autonomous community?

The possibility of obtaining a simultaneous subsidy of IBI and ICIO. Almost 70% of the population can benefit from this double aid.

IBI rebate for solar panels in Madrid

The Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles, known as IBI, is a tax established by each municipality that is levied on the property of property owners.

A clear example is the purchase of your home. The acquisition of this property implies the payment of this tax.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that the IBI rebate is one of the most attractive.

Why is this?

Approximately 91% of the population living in the Madrid region can benefit from this subsidy.

And we tell you more:

It is in the top 5 of the most subsidised communities, together with Ceuta, Catalonia, Aragon and La Rioja.

But not only this.

Its interest is important because, depending on the municipality, the aid reaches a maximum of 50% over a period of up to 10 years. Although it is true that the average term is 4 or 5 years.

To find out what is the IBI rebate on solar panels in Madrid, take a look at the following table:

Note: the study was carried out with municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants.

ICIO rebates for self-consumption

The ICIO rebate can only be obtained once.

What is the reason for this?

The payment of this tax is carried out only once, unlike the IBI.

In this case, the maximum rebate is 95% and some of the most privileged municipalities are:

  • Getafe
  • Madrid
  • Alcorcón
  • Galapagar
  • Torrejón de Ardoz
  • Las Rozas de Madrid

In any case, in the following list you can search for your municipality:

Next Generation Funds

It is possible that this aid for self-consumption from European funds sounds familiar to you.

The European Community created them to encourage the following categories:



Renewable air conditioning

Each autonomous community is responsible for managing this process and the application period is available until 31 December 2023.

But be careful not to take too long.

These incentives are limited and, once they are exhausted by order of application, there will be no more opportunities.


What amounts does the State offer to reduce the cost of the installation?

Installations with a capacity of less than 10 kWp will receive a subsidy of 600 euros per kWp and 490 euros if batteries are installed.

For installations above 10 kWp, the subsidy is 450 euros without batteries and 300 euros per kWp with batteries.

However, there is a third subsidy in:

Municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants on non-urban land.

Municipalities of 5,000 on urban land

In addition to the above-mentioned significant subsidies, there is an additional subsidy of 55 €/kWp for the installation and 15 €/kWp with batteries.

In any case, the sum of these subsidies cannot exceed €3,000 in the Community of Madrid.

Regional subsidies

The installations of solar panels in Madrid have the opportunity to receive a current regional aid which is established within the Strategic Plan of Subsidies with the aim of:

Encourage renewable energies

Reduce users’ energy bills.

To save on household and business energy bills.

Reduce energy demand from polluting sources.

Who can benefit?

All installations that are connected to the grid, regardless of the type of self-consumption established in Royal Decree 244/2019.

This aid of 23 million euros is distributed as follows:

3 million for 2021

10 million in 2022

10 million in 2023

And the important thing.

How much can I subsidise?

The community establishes a maximum amount of 25% in photovoltaic solar energy with respect to the total cost of the photovoltaic installation.

In any case, in this link you have all the information.

IRPF deduction

From 2021, the IRPF deduction for the installation of solar panels is possible in different brackets.

In fact, you can deduct from 20% to 60% of the total cost of the solar panel system.

Undoubtedly, it is an extra help that reduces the years of recovery of the investment.

In addition to the above-mentioned subsidies, the rebate is interesting.

What is the price of solar panels in Madrid?

The cost of the installation.

One of the main factors that we look at closely and that influences the profitability of the solar system and the payback period of the investment.

But before going into detail, it is important to know all the aspects included in the price.

Because we are not only talking about the solar panels themselves. This remains on the surface, but the cost includes the following elements:

The inverter

The structure

The labour

Cables and connectors

The legalisation and legalisation fees.

What’s more, it also varies depending on the modules installed and, therefore, your energy needs.

And one more thing.

The prices shown below do not include solar batteries which, although they increase the cost, guarantee greater savings.

Now they do.

Our team takes care of the whole process, from sizing your system to produce the maximum energy, through the paperwork, to the actual installation of your solar modules.

>> Calculate your quote in less than 1 minute.

Production capacity of solar panels in Madrid, does it have potential?

Madrid is characterised by high solar irradiation, which means that the photovoltaic production capacity in the area is high.

In fact, the Madrid region has an annual irradiation of approximately 2,100 kWh/m2.

This irradiation will be distributed as follows throughout the year:


Therefore, we are talking about an important photovoltaic production capacity that influences the profitability of the system.

What is the ideal orientation and inclination of solar panels in Madrid?

If you have seen the factors that influence the performance of solar panels, you will know that orientation and tilt are key to maximising the output of your PV system.

But what is the best orientation for the installation of panels in Madrid?

An inclination of 30º facing south.

However, sometimes the safest, most practical and economical way is to orient them in the same direction as the roof. It is true that you give up 1-2%, but it is hardly significant.

What should be clear to you is that under no circumstances should they be oriented to the north. The losses will make the photovoltaic installation unprofitable.

Formalities and permits

Madrid, or any other community, requires the application for certain permits for the installation of solar panels. They do not usually differ from one community to another, but it is important to be aware of each particular case.

The good news is that the Community of Madrid has eliminated the obligation to apply for a Building Permit and it is now sufficient to present the Responsible Declaration.

What do we achieve?

To speed up the processes towards the ecological transition and to start saving as soon as possible through clean energy.

Don’t worry about the paperwork.

It’s up to us. At SolarMente, we take care of having the permits in order so that you don’t have any problems in the future.

Receive financial compensation for your surpluses

Profitability is also related to the compensation of surpluses.

Let us explain.

If your self-consumption installation generates more energy than you consume, you can feed that surplus into the grid.

And what is the profit in all this?

Well, in exchange for “giving” that energy to the grid, you get financial compensation.

However, it will not be large.

The reason is that the price per kWh averages €0.06, i.e. it is lower than the purchase price.

However, this figure is different depending on the supplier.

But the most important thing.

Do not try to make a business out of this for one simple reason.

Once the variable part of the bill reaches 0, the electricity will be free for them.

Solar panel installation companies in Madrid

Since the 2018 regulations, the growth of solar energy has gone through the roof.

And with it the number of photovoltaic panel installers.

For this reason, it is important to ensure that they meet a series of conditions that guarantee a correct installation and avoid subsequent problems:

It must be an authorised installer to legalise the self-consumption system.

It is advisable for them to have a certificate of professionalism that guarantees their skills.

Can they help you with paperwork and subsidies?

Make sure they have experience in the sector and the necessary knowledge for the installation. You can do this through customer testimonials.

Look at the payment and financing options they offer. Can you only buy in cash or can you finance them? Is it possible to rent them?

At SolarMente, we take all these factors into account.

To offer you a personalised service and guarantee a correct installation to maximise your energy and start saving on your electricity bill in the shortest possible time.

Want to start the process with us?

The way is this way.

How to purchase your self-consumption system in Madrid

If you are clear about what you want to install your solar panels in Madrid, you only need to know how you want to do it.

Because of course.

There are several ways to choose depending on your budget.

You can:

Rent your solar panels, what we call solar subscription.

Buy your installation (in cash or financed).

If you want to switch to self-consumption and reduce the cost of your electricity bill every month, you know what the next step is.

Is it profitable to install solar panels in Madrid?

The answer is yes.

The installation of photovoltaic panels in Madrid pays for itself in an average of 6 years and with the available subsidies it could be less than 4 years.

Remember that the useful life of the installations is 25 years, so the payback period for the investment is quite short.

In addition, it is also worthwhile to take the step towards self-consumption in the capital for the following advantages:

A saving of 50% of the electricity bill, even more if you bet on batteries.

It is one of the autonomous communities with the highest photovoltaic production capacity.

You can obtain financial compensation for the energy you do not consume.

The double IBI and ICIO rebate applies to a large number of municipalities and with the highest quotas.

You produce clean energy and contribute to a sustainable world.

If you want to switch to solar energy with SolarMente, we will help you all the way.

From the study of your needs to the installation, ensuring proper maintenance to maximize savings every month.

Have you got it clear?

>> Calculate how much you can save on your electricity bill thanks to solar panels

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