Installation of solar panels in Girona: why it is a profitable province for self-consumption

Instalación de placas solares en Girona: por qué es una provincia rentable para el autoconsumo
The province of Girona is one of the geographical areas of the country that receives the most hours of sunshine per year.
Without going any further, the Catalan community has more than 2,500 hours of sunshine per year, making it one of the areas that receives the most solar radiation.
Moreover, self-consumption installations have grown significantly in this region in recent years. These data show us that the installation of solar panels in Girona is a good option for opting for clean energy in the face of the daily rise in electricity prices.
Although we understand that it is an investment that cannot be taken lightly, in this article we want to explain the profitability that you can get from your photovoltaic system in Girona, the existing subsidies, how to reduce energy independence and how to take advantage of the energy not consumed.
Let’s get started!

Production of solar panels in Girona: know the profitability of the system

The self-consumption boom in the province of Girona has experienced very high growth.
The installation of solar panels has increased by almost 100% and the reasons are obvious: the solar production capacity of this territory is high.
Let’s put the facts on the table.
This Catalan province has 2,800 hours of sunshine per year and an average irradiation of 6.2 kWh/m2 per day. Surprising figures if we compare it with other leading European countries in solar energy. Such is the case of Germany, with an average of 1,200-1800 hours of sunshine per year.
So why not go for solar energy in this geographical area?
Here is a graph showing the production that your solar panels can generate:

The prices of an installation with solar panels in Girona

As with any major investment, price is a factor that influences the decision to make a change, in this case, to opt for self-consumption in your home.
But of course, this price does not only include the materials, you must also take into account the technical visit to specify the installation, the labour and the management of work permits and the necessary procedures for the legalisation of the installation.
To give you an idea of the approximate prices in the city of Girona, we show you the following table:
Please note that these prices do not include the installation of batteries.
In any case, although the price is more expensive, including these storage devices will give you greater freedom from your electricity company. Moreover, taking into account the continuous increases in the price of electricity, it is an alternative that is gaining more and more strength every day.
Even so, at Solarmente we offer other alternatives to switching to self-consumption as opposed to cash purchase through a solar subscription model , where you will not have to worry about the comings and goings of prices, taking advantage of solar energy with zero initial investment.
However, the purchase of solar panels is being incentivised with a variety of subsidies and grants to encourage people to make the switch to clean energy.
Let’s take a look at what is available.

Subsidies and grants for solar panels in Girona

The installation of solar panels in Girona leads to the following subsidies and grants:
  • Next Generation subsidies for self-consumption
  • IBI rebate
  • ICIO rebate
  • IRPF deduction
This is a relevant factor to consider because it influences the amortisation of the photovoltaic installation, just like the rest of the factors (production, climate, orientation, etc).

Next Generation Fund subsidies: it is now easier to switch to self-consumption.

The Next Generation Funds belong to the aid for self-consumption offered by the Spanish government, where the European Union has participated in the aid for this concession.
They will be managed by the autonomous community of Catalonia and are also limited, being granted in order of presentation. However, due to the great demand from the population, they have been extended.
Let’s see in detail what amounts are eligible for subsidies :
  • For peak power of less than 10 kWp, they will receive an amount of €600 per kWp of the installation and €490 per kWp of the battery.
  • For larger installations with more than 10 kWp, the subsidies are between €300 and €450 per kWp.
There is one exception to this. In towns with less than 20,000 inhabitants on non-urban land and 5,000 on urban land, an additional subsidy of €55/kWp must be added to the above figures for the installation of solar panels and €15/kWh if the battery is included.

IBI subsidies for solar panels in Girona

According to the report carried out by the Fundación Renovables for tax incentives in municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, photovoltaic self-consumption installations produced in the city of Girona will be able to obtain a rebate on the Property Tax (IBI) of up to 75%.
But be careful, there are limitations to certain homes depending on the council we are talking about, putting some other obstacles.
However, the city of Girona has one of the highest percentages of beneficiary population, reaching 98%. This bonus is 50% for 5 years.
Here you have the complete list of the municipalities that appear in the report:
Municipality Population Bonus Years Use to which it applies Limitations
Girona 101.392 50 % 5 Residential Min. 30% of
energy supply.
Max. 307,2€.
Figueres 47.043 50 % 5 Residential Min. 30% of electricity supply. Max 400€ per year per dwelling.
Blanes 40.274 30 % 5 Maximum 300 €, max. 33% of the cost of the
cost of the installation. Min.
75% of the electrical power
contracted by the property.
Lloret de Mar 38.402 15 % – 50 % 3 Residential Between 0.5 kWp and 1 kWp (included) 15% bonus. Between 1 kWp and 3 kWp (included) 25% bonus. Higher powers 50% bonus.
Olot 36.299 25 % 1 Residential For PV up to 25%. 5% for 1 kWp ≤ P ≤ 2 kWp 10% for 2 kWp < P ≤ 3 kWp 15% P > 3 kWp 25%. Min. 0.5 kWp.
Salt 32.230 50 % Min. 5 kWp, as long as it is part of an energy community.
Palafrugell 23.046 5 % – 50 % 3 Residential and commercial Pot> 3kWp
Sant Feliu de Guíxols 22.210 50 % 5 Residential
Banyoles 20.168 50 % 3 Minimum production of 30%.
Roses 19.921 50 % 5
Palamós 18.196 25 % 3 Power> 30% contracted electrical power. Limit of 1.000€ per year.
Santa Coloma de Farners 13.459 50 % 3 Max. 500€/tax period. Power> 50% contracted electrical power. Max. rated power 15 kW. Nominal 15 kW.
Torroella de Montgri 12.023 50 % 5 Residential Max. total bonus < amount of the cost of the installation.
Calonge and Sant Antoni 11.484 30 % 3 Residential
Castel-Pratja d’Aro 11.455 20 % 3 Residential Max. 300
Bisbal d’Empordá, La 11.190 75 % 3 Residential Max 300€ per year.
Castelló d’Empúries 11.154 50 % 5
Cassà de la Selva 10.505 10 % 3 Residential Min. 30% of electricity supply.
Escala, L’ 10.497 50 % 5 All For single-family dwellings, the rebate is applied to the full quota. For multi-family dwellings, 5% rebate on each dwelling up to a maximum of 50%.

ICIO rebates for solar panels in Girona

At the same time, you can obtain ICIO (Tax on Construction, Installations and Works) rebates of up to 95%.
There are application requirements in certain municipalities, but most of them have no restrictions.
Even so, we are talking about one-off aid, but it is a plus that facilitates the purchase of solar panels in the province of Girona.
Take a look at the table in the report and check what bonus you can access:
Municipality Town Bonus Limitations
Girona 101.392 95 % Min. 30% of electricity supply Max. 307,2€.
Figueres 47.043 95 % Min. 60% of total energy demand for domestic hot water and 30% of annual electricity consumption.
Blanes 40.274 95 %
Lloret de Mar 38.402 50 %
Olot 36.299 95 % Residential
Salt 32.230 50 %
Sant Feliu de Guíxols 22.210 50 %
Banyoles 20.168 95 % Minimum production of 30%.
Roses 19.921 90 %
Palamós 18.196 95 %
Santa Coloma de Farners 13.459 95 %
Torroella de Montgri 12.023 90 %
Calonge i Sant Antoni 11.484 95 %
Castel-Pratja d’Aro 11.455 95 %
Bisbal d’Empordá, La 11.190 95 % Max 300€ per year.
Castelló d’Empúries 11.154 90 %
Cassà de la Selva 10.505 50 %
Escala, L’ 10.497 75 %
Ripoli 10.721 90 %

IRPF deduction

We end the section on subsidies with the IRPF deduction for the installation of solar panels in Girona due to the renovation of the house.
This aid is only available to owners of solar panels. In this case, the deduction can reach 20% of the amount of the photovoltaic installation.
Collective installations will also benefit as long as they comply with the purposes established in the regulations.
In any case, the maximum deduction amount will be 9,040 euros.

Install a solar battery to be more independent of your electricity company

With a photovoltaic installation you can produce more energy than you consume, especially in a province like Girona where the climate conditions are favourable for this.
When you find yourself in a situation like this, you can opt for to install solar panels with batteries to store all the surplus energy and use it during the hours when there is no sun.
In any case, you have at your disposal the compensation of surpluses to dump the energy you do not consume into the grid and obtain greater profitability.

How to orient solar panels in Girona?

The orientation of solar panels is another aspect that influences the performance of the system.
What is the correct position to produce the most energy possible? Towards the south. In this way, the rays of light will have a direct impact during more hours of daylight per day.
Don’t forget the inclination either. Ideally, your photovoltaic system should be positioned at 40°.

Is it worth installing solar panels in Girona?

Spain has a favourable climate and many hours of sunshine to take advantage of a clean and economical renewable source such as solar energy.
In particular, installing solar panels in Girona is very profitable due to the solar production capacity of this province.
Thanks to the diversity of subsidies dedicated to self-consumption, it is easier to opt for this type of energy to reduce the price of your electricity bill while contributing to laying the foundations of a sustainable energy model.
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