Frequently Asked Questions about Electric Power: Everything You Need to Know

In a world where energy is the engine of our modern society, understanding its dynamics is essential. Electric current is not just a physical phenomenon; it is the artery through which modern life flows. From the simple act of switching on a light to powering major cities, electricity is the pulse of our development.

This post seeks to shed light on fundamental concepts such as direct and alternating current, as well as the key figures in the distribution and commercialisation of electrical energy. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of electricity and better understand how this vital element powers every corner of our lives.

1 What is electric current?

Electric current is the flow of electric charge through a material. It is a physical phenomenon caused by the displacement of a charge (ion or electron).

2 What is direct current?

Direct current (DC) is an electric current that flows in a constant direction through a conductor between two points of different potential and electric charge. It does not change direction over time. Unlike alternating current, in direct current the electric charges always flow in the same direction.

3 What is alternating current?

Alternating current (AC) is a type of electric current, in which the direction of the flow of electrons comes and goes at regular intervals or in cycles. The current flowing through power lines and the electricity normally available in homes from wall sockets is alternating current.

4 What is the ICP?

The Power Control Switch (P.C.B.) is a device installed in the home, which is used to cut off the supply when the electrical power has been exceeded and this occurs when a large number of electrical appliances are connected at the same time.

The Power Control Switch is located in the main control panel, which means that it is inside the home itself and the only thing the user has to do is to reconnect it.

5 What is Red Eléctrica de España?

Red Eléctrica is constituted as a company with a majority of public capital, made up of the equity contributions of a group of public (Endesa and ENHER) and private (Iberduero, Hidroeléctrica Española, FECSA and Unión Fenosa, among others) electricity companies.

6 What is electrical power?

Electrical power is a parameter that indicates the amount of electrical energy transferred from a generating source to a consuming element per unit of time. In your home, it determines the number of electrical appliances that can be connected to the grid simultaneously.

7 What is an electricity trading company?

A trading company is one that buys the energy from the generator, pays the price of its transport to the distributor and sells the electricity to the end consumer.

8 What is an electricity distribution company?

The electricity distributor is the company in charge of transporting electricity to your supply point, i.e. distributing electricity to different homes, businesses and companies. Its function is to ensure that the electricity reaches its destination without interruption.

9 What are the differences between a distributor and a trader?

The basic difference between distributor and distributor lies in the role played by each of them.

The customer or user contracts electricity with a distributor of his choice, which is responsible for selling him the electricity and for carrying out all the relevant formalities with the electricity distributor.

The distributor, for its part, is the “owner” of the cable and the energy, which is why you will never run out of electricity no matter how many times you change supplier.

10 What is the Guarantee of Origin System for electricity about?

✔️El The Guarantee of Origin System started to be applied in Spain in 2007 and the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) is in charge of it.

✔️Con every electricity bill, the supplier is obliged to provide users with the Certificate of Guarantee of Origin issued by the CNMC.

✔️La Guarantee of Origin certifies that a specific amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity has been generated from renewable energy.

At SolarMente, your transition to solar energy is our priority. We take care of every detail, from the installation of your solar kit on the roof to the management of all the necessary paperwork. Our commitment is to facilitate your path to self-consumption of energy with maximum efficiency and minimum complication.

With the help of our team of solar processing experts, you will not only optimise your energy use, but we will also ensure an unparalleled experience.

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