Do you want to know what JA Solar solar panels are like? Here we tell you our experience

¿Quieres saber las opiniones de los paneles solares JA Solar? Aquí te contamos nuestra experiencia

If you are researching photovoltaic installations, you may have come across several solar panel manufacturers and stumbled across the Asian giant Ja Solar.

It is one of the best known companies in the solar energy market with a long history, in particular since 2005, and known for patenting the PERC technology.

But the most important thing when choosing is whether it will be the right manufacturer for you.

Therefore, in this post you will read our opinion as installers in the use of Ja Solar panels.

[Why do we work with this manufacturer?

We like to bet on manufacturers that are in continuous development and are committed to the latest technologies.

And that is why we work with Ja Solar.

In addition, the following reasons have led us to keep it in our portfolio of manufacturers:

It is a company with proven solvency that has been in the solar energy business for almost 20 years.

The innovative technologies it uses.

Its adaptability for both residential and commercial use.

They are committed to sustainability and the environment.

They have a lower price and maintain good efficiency.

Without going any further, it is one of the most powerful companies in the Asian country’s economy and has a presence in various countries such as Japan, Germany and Australia, among others.

Advantages of installing JA Solar panels in your home

JA Solar modules have a track record that gives them efficiency and stability, patenting one of the most relevant technologies.

But we are going to explain, from our point of view, the strong points of this manufacturer.

Are you ready?

Let’s get started!


As we mentioned at the beginning, this manufacturer is known for the implementation of PERC technology.

A technology designed to increase the output of solar panels.

But what exactly does it consist of?

It consists of adding a light-reflecting layer to the lower part of the modules. This takes advantage of the photons that pass through the panel to increase the efficiency of the photovoltaic system.

But not only does it focus on this methodology, it also uses “half-cell” modules.

As the name suggests, the cells are divided in half and the current is divided into two parts connected in series.

We explain.

This means that system losses are reduced and energy production is maintained despite being affected by shading.

This division means that only the shaded part is affected and not the entire installation. Therefore, we do not perceive a total reduction of the system.

In fact, we show you the classification of Ja Solar depending on the technology used:


Ja Solar panels have a maximum efficiency of around 22.4%.

Is this a good or a bad figure?

The average is 20%, so it exceeds this index, making it one of the most significant in the sector.

In fact, this makes it one of the five most efficient companies in the market.

These high indexes assure us:

A higher level of production.

Greater savings on electricity bills.


Keep this in mind.

If you install solar panels on your roof, extreme weather conditions are bound to strike sooner or later.

That’s why the manufacturer has a remarkable resistance to such unforeseen events and even has degradation rates below the market average.


Let’s see.

It is not one of the manufacturers with the best warranty.

It remains within the industry average with a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year performance warranty.

But they do outperform many manufacturers with 10 years or less.

This is another point that guarantees the reliability of Ja Solar.


Finally, we have the sustainability of the company.

We refer to the production facilities, but also to the recycling process of solar panels from the manufacturer after the product’s useful life has come to an end.

Types of JA Solar panels, which one to choose?

At the moment, the Ja Solar brand has a wide range of panels for both residential and commercial use.

And while the first series to be manufactured was the Deep Blue 3.0 with PERC cells, the manufacturer launched a new series, known as Deep Blue 4.0X, which uses solar cells made of N-type silicon.

This design has higher performance and is capable of achieving an efficiency of up to 24.8%.

At SolarMente we use the JAM72S20 445-470/MR model.

It is a black monocrystalline module of 460W and 144 cells with an annual degradation of 0.55%.

This panel is suitable for off-grid and grid-connected installations.

In short, they stand out for their good value for money.

We tell you the history of the manufacturer JA Solar

You may be familiar with Ja Solar, as it is one of the most powerful Chinese solar energy companies in the world, with a presence on the Tier 1 list of the best solar panel manufacturers.

It also has offices in many countries such as Germany, Austria and Mexico.

In addition, in the Spanish market they are characterised by their good after-sales service to ensure the operation of photovoltaic installations.

And not only is it constantly innovating in cutting-edge technologies, but it is also committed to sustainability and care for the environment.

Along the same lines, it is an active and socially committed company.

Are Ja Solar solar modules worth it?

The results of the manufacturer’s tests, its technical characteristics and the installations we have made with Ja Solar show that it meets the quality requirements to be considered a good solar panel, suitable for most homes.

Its long history and efficiency has led it to be one of the best manufacturers of solar panels on the market, which you can see in the tier 1 list.

In addition, it has a 12-year warranty, surpassing several manufacturers that only reach 10 years.

But do you know what the most important point is?

Choosing an installer to advise you on what is the best bet to extract the full potential of your solar installation and save on your electricity bill every month.

We will help you with the most practical and reliable options in your case.

>> Just click on this link and calculate your budget.

Are you up for it?
