
Store the electricity generated by your solar panels

Using storage batteries in conjunction with solar panels allows you to become even more self-sufficient, reduce your dependence on the power grid, and avoid energy price increases. SolarMente offers solar batteries in conjunction with solar panels, or they can be provided on their own.

How does a physical battery work?

The complete and autonomous renewable energy solution for homes. It allows you to store surplus solar energy for use at times of lower generation, ensuring greater independence from the electricity grid and long-term savings on energy costs. Its installation and use are simple, and by adopting it, you will be actively contributing to caring for the environment.

Complement the virtual battery with SolarMente Energy

A fair, competitive bill with no extra costs.

Our electricity tariff is priced at the market rate, a price that only the big electricity companies can afford. And now, you can too.

In addition, we also offer you the Solar Piggy Bank. A virtual battery where you can store the surplus energy you have generated and send it to your second home or wherever you want. This surplus energy is paid at the current market value. Our goal? Reduce your bill to €0.

Multiple benefits

Self-consumption and energy independence

Make the switch to clean energy. By generating your own energy with solar panels, you can power your home and take control of your energy bills while reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and the traditional electric grid.

For everyone according to needs and budget

We offer several home solar payment methods to help you get started on your solar journey. Find the ideal option for your budget and solar needs.

We customize your project

Our experts design your solar panel configuration to maximize energy production and the aesthetics of your home, so your solar panels are efficient and look great.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is the device that allows you to store the energy produced by the solar panels when the sun is shining so that you can use it when the sun is not shining, such as at night or on cloudy days.

The batteries are charged in surplus, i.e. when the photovoltaic production is higher than the consumption.

Batteries are discharged during the night – when there is no more photovoltaic production because there is no sun – and also during periods of the day when consumption exceeds photovoltaic production.

Adding batteries to your solar panel installation is a big step if you want to make your solar investment even more sustainable and generate more savings.

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Personalizamos tu plan
para que se adapte 100% a ti
Maximiza la vida útil de
tus paneles solares