Privacy Policy

Data controller

Visiting this website does not oblige users to provide any information about themselves. However, to use certain services or access certain content, users must first provide some personal data. In the event that the user provides personal information, we inform you that the data will be processed by SOLARMENTE S.L., with registered office in Barcelona, Calle Marroc 200 08019 and NIF B67493056, as data controllers, as established by the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679), hereinafter ‘GDPR’, and its implementing regulations.

Purposes of the processing

Specifically, your data may be processed, when requested by the user, to manage the attention and follow-up of requests and queries addressed through the website, as well as for carrying out surveys and participation in sweepstakes, games and promotions.

Quality of the data

The data requested will be compulsory and limited to those necessary to provide and/or manage the service requested, which you will be duly informed of at the time of collecting your personal data. If you do not provide them or do not provide them correctly, we will not be able to provide the service. In these cases, the user guarantees that the personal data provided are truthful and is responsible for communicating any changes to them.

Legal basis for processing

In the case of transactions processed through the Website and registration on the Website, the data processing carried out is based on the legal relationship arising from your request. The processing of data for carrying out surveys is based on the legitimate interest of Solarmente in order to improve the quality of the services provided to customers and/or users, and you may object to such processing at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out. Under no circumstances may personal data corresponding to third parties be included in the forms contained on the website, unless the applicant has previously obtained their consent in the terms required by article 7 of the RGPD, and shall be exclusively liable for non-compliance with this obligation and any other obligation regarding personal data.

Communication of data to third parties

The personal data of users registered on the website may be transferred to the Public Administrations as required by law, to other companies in the business group for internal administrative purposes, and to the suppliers of the data controller necessary for the proper fulfilment of contractual obligations.

Data security

In application of the provisions of Article 32 of the RGPD, SOLARMENTE undertakes to comply with the security obligations of those data provided by users, trying to establish all the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of data provided by the user through the same, given the state of technology, the nature of the data provided and the risks to which they may be exposed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user should be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable. SOLARMENTE will treat user data confidentially at all times, keeping the mandatory duty of secrecy about them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

Rights of the interested party

The user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability, as well as the revocation of previously granted consents, under the terms established by law, by writing to SOLARMENTE, at the following address: Calle Marroc 200, 08019, Barcelona, you can exercise these rights by sending an email with your personal data to In both cases you must attach a photocopy of the ID of the holder or document proving their identity. Likewise, in the event that you believe that any of your rights related to data protection have been violated, or if applicable, you may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency at Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid.

Privacy policy with Whatsapp

Customer gives permission and consent necessary to collect, use and share Customer content and information in accordance with our published privacy policy, as well as to comply with applicable law and for order updates, relevant offers and enquiries. We will not use data about a person we communicate with via WhatsApp, other than the content of conversations, for any purpose, other than as reasonably necessary to send messages to you with that person. We will not use WhatsApp to provide telemedicine or to send or solicit health-related information where applicable regulations would limit the distribution of such data in systems that do not comply with more stringent requirements for handling such health information. We will not send or otherwise share information from a customer’s chat with another customer.

Privacy Policy Acceptance in Forms

When you check the box “I agree to the privacy policy” in any of our forms, you declare that you have read and accepted the privacy policy of SOLARMENTE and ELTEX SOLAR S.L., which will process your personal data along with the Solarmente Group Companies for the purpose of sending you information about the products and services they promote. You may exercise the rights established in Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, as well as withdraw your consent at the addresses provided in the additional information.

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